Accueil > SIDO LYON 2021 : Oxytronic will present IRMA
17 September 2021

SIDO LYON 2021 : Oxytronic will present IRMA

SIDO LYON 2021 : Oxytronic will present IRMA

It’s official, the famous IOT, AI and robotics exhibition SIDO will be the first IOT trade show on which the company Oxytronic will be present, in order to expose for the first time to the general public, its predictive maintenance sensor, IRMA.
The SIDO is a major French trade show covering many current technological topics such as the Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence, cybersecurity or robotics. With partners like Microsoft, IBM or Orange, SIDO is the perfect show to allow us to present IRMA to the general public.

For its 7th edition, the SIDO Lyon will have 300 exhibitors. It is for us the opportunity to announce our arrival in the world of IOT and predictive maintenance.

The show will take place in Lyon on September 22 and 23, 2021, do not hesitate to visit us!

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